Dyscalculia Symptoms
and Remedies

Dyscalculia symptoms

Dyscalculia symptoms can be very frustrating to any parent who sees her/his child struggling with even the most basic math problems.

This learning disability can really affect the success of any person in the real world. If you are having signs of dyscalculia, you may be experiencing long hours of time trying to figure out math problems. It can be a tough challenge for you even the simplest tasks of addition and subtraction.

Dyscalculia helps are needed in order to combat this learning disability and there are dyscalculia tests which can be done in order to truly identify if you or anyone you know is undergoing with this problem.

Facts about Dyscalculia Symptoms

Here are the few things you’ll observe when making dyscalculia tests:

  • There’s an obvious difficulty in understanding numbers for what they are like which is smaller and which is larger
  • Difficulty with using numbers and the way to manipulate them
  • Basic inconsistencies with computations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Problems with connecting and combining steps which add up
  • Having difficulties with money or financial concepts. Planning and budgeting can be complicated

These are the common signs of dyscalculia that you can observe. This problem is sometimes called "math disability."

Further dyscalculia symptoms would include:

  • Difficulty with reading clocks especially the “analog” type
  • Problems with using time and following schedules properly
  • Can get confused between left and right
  • Difficulties with reading music notations
  • Measuring and scaling objects and distances is difficult

People with dyscalculia symptoms may have a hard time with things that normal people use to do and practice because they simply have this weakness and the understanding of numbers is commonly used in our everyday lives.

Other signs of dyscalculia you can observe:

  • Difficulty understanding math concepts such as: formulas, rules and sequences
  • Problem in concentrating with mentally intensive tasks that needs concentration and analysis
  • Inaccuracies with map navigation and directions
  • Inability to mentally visualize
  • Makes mistakes with identification of names and recollecting them

Dyscalculia diagnosis can be done by certain types of teachers and professionals. If the problem can be identified early it can be controlled and there would be less frustration for anyone especially the person suffering from it.

The disorder of dyscalculia is related to other learning disorders like Dyslexia which is about verbal learning disability. It is the difficulty in writing letters, speaking words and how they are processed.

The other side that is related to dyscalculia is dysgraphia which is a deficiency in handwriting ability. It has a problem with storing written words in the mind and how they are processed.

Remedies You can Use for It

There are several aids for dyscalculia symptoms that can help like the use of different study skills strategies.

You can develop and improve number identification and how to use them with the use of auditory learning styles as dyscalculia help. Since they won’t usually have difficulties with hearing, this is a technique that can be used effectively. Other auditory techniques for learning in the form of songs and music can also help.

You should give them time to "internalize" what they need to understand through continuous and repeated practice through listening skills and other methods while overcoming dyscalculia symptoms.

There are listening skills for dyscalculia help to improve the understanding of math concepts and principles.

After dyscalculia diagnosis you can use another study skill that is visual learning stylesIt can make it easier to relay and conceptualize math formulas and concepts by using diagrams and pictures that can make it simpler to follow and connect information. There’s a saying that "a picture is worth a thousand words." A diagram can be interpreted in different ways.

"Math games" such as using domino and bingo principles can also be used and facilitated by an instructor or special teacher for overcoming dyscalculia. There are many of these games which can be used, depending on what math lesson is to be thought.

People who have signs of dyscalculia can also be asked to draw their own math problems. This way it would be easier for them to understand what they’re doing as they practice math.

Another study skills strategy which can be applied is kinesthetic learning. This is about learning by doing physical activity and having actual experience instead of listening to a lecture or watching a demonstration.

Technology can Help Too

In today’s modern times of knowledge and innovation, technology would have a way to support and make the experience of anyone with dyscalculia easier to manage the learning disability. 

A basic calculator with large digits of buttons can be very helpful for aiding dyscalculia. Calculators have automated tools and functions that make using math formulas and concepts easier and it would make math problems easier to understand.

It would be best to use calculators that have big digital displays and those that have "audio voice" which pronounces the numbers being shown on the number screen.

There are different forms of educational therapy that can be used for dyscalculia tests and giving solutions to it.

"Neuro-sensory educational therapy" is one example which can serve as an effective treatment and dyscalculia help.

Computers can store different kinds of information and tools for studying math easier. It can make use of actual video demonstrations when explaining a topic or lesson.

There are many references over the internet which can act as dyscalculia help such as video and image websites.

They Have their Own Strengths

While you may basically see that dyscalculia symptoms are a "liability" or something that will "restrict" many opportunities in life, you should know that people with signs of dyscalculia are good at some other  things.

These facts about dyscalculia are somehow similar to those who have ADHD symptoms. Some people with learning disorders are observed to excel in other things in life! They can be seen as very proficient with doing book work like reading and comprehension for example.

People with dyscalculia symptoms may also have high abilities in reading and writing including other subjects and activities. So never get discouraged with any learning disability.

Patience, understanding and support of different kinds are important things that can be given to someone who is experiencing dyscalculia symptoms.

Why Is There Such a Thing?

So why is there something like learning disabilities you may ask?

The fact is nobody’s perfect. One way or another, a person has a problem of some sort but it is important for better personal time management to overcome these things with proper knowledge and solutions.

You should not get trapped with anxiety symptoms especially with depression warning signs if you cannot do the things that other people can do. You should learn to concentrate with things you’re good at and where you would excel.

To understand more, learning disorders like dyscalculia have causes such as:

  • Neurological problems which involve brain condition
  • Deficits in working memory
  • Hereditary or genetic conditions

People with dyscalculia symptoms have a visual processing disorder which makes it hard for them to focus and understand the whole principle of number sequences and logical steps.

Your understanding of dyscalculia symptoms is the first step towards solving the learning disability. Dyscalculia is solvable and manageable  when you seek treatment for it and there are many alternative ways of learning which overcomes math disabilities.

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