Utilize Monthly Planners And
Don't Miss Those Important Dates

Why would you need to use monthly planners for schedules and events?

Here are several reasons why you should consider this tool when you have to get organized with your time.

1. It is like a calendar for the whole month but designed for writing schedules in general and noting events and special occasions.

2. To keep work-life balance in check, to see the big picture on how you live life

3. A way to see if you’re having getting things done according to your long-term goals and to see how you progress your days and if it’s in the right direction.

4. You can adjust your monthly schedule early within different dates of the month.

You can mark down important events that should stand out from the rest of the 28-31 month days of the year such as

  • Holidays and vacations
  • Exams or seminars
  • Meetings and appointments

So in general monthly planners can make your life less stressful while your responsibilities are being accomplished.

As you get organized with your monthly schedule you can apply timesavers to enable you to complete your plans for the month.

See The "Big Picture"

You can use a monthly calendar like this for getting things done and to simplify things:

An example of simple monthly planners for your overview of the month.

Printing this monthly planner will need a 8 ½" x 13" piece of paper or "Legal size"

Click this link to open the PDF file of this Planner to Print or Save

You don’t need to be a perfectionist with your calendar and schedule you only need a simple design and a way of using it:

  • The monthly calendar contains the month on top and its year.
  • Like a regular calendar for checking dates there are columns for the seven days of the week but the numbers are small so there is space to write information.
  • Finally there’s the notes section where you can jot down details and things you have to add which are related to any of the dates and events in the calendar.

Unlike a daily planner which details every clock-time of the day and a weekly planner which is designed for clock-times for each day of the week you can see the difference with monthly calendars.

It’s more for an overview or summary of each day. It would enable you to study and analyze your month as a big picture of how you’re doing things.

So you can simplify the way you do things as you learn to distribute your activities and priorities properly.

You can utilize this so you can have more productivity on anything you do in life and it will lessen your encounters with procrastination which can waste your time.

If you plan your days well then there’s no need for you to lose sleep at night.

Even if you get busy during the whole month don’t forget to give time for relaxation because you need to release some stress too.

Making the Most Out of a Calendar

There are things you can do to make monthly calendars easier to manage making it more effective:

  • You can prepare the period of time you use on how you start each day.
  • You can adapt a simple living lifestyle to avoid making your schedules complicated.

There are many things you can do to make the most out of monthly planners and it is important for every effective leader to get organized for getting things done in order to accomplish what needs to be done.

If you can accomplish more with your monthly planners that would be great but you should avoid getting overloaded with things to do.

You might also have to refuse some tasks from other people or do them another day or time when it’s more appropriate.

You can also make your task scheduling and time management for each day more systematic with the use of the Franklin Planner which can be an effective support.

Work-life balance is important so it would be good if things will work out in a way that gives your life meaning making accomplishments at the same time enjoying the other things in life.

This can help you reduce having anxiety.

An automated calendar like the Google Calendar can be used also in combination with monthly planners which can make your scheduling more powerful.

Different functions combined can make more effective and efficient results.

Where It can be Seen

Since monthly planners acts like an outline, summary and reminder for some events during each month and it doesn’t act like daily planners and weekly planners so you don’t actually need to bring it anywhere you go.

You can place planners in places where you usually go and do activities like:

  • Around your working desk or office wall/division
  • Within the kitchen or the refrigerator door
  • In front of a cabinet door
  • Beside a reference/book shelf
  • In your room wall or clothes cabinet
  • Wherever you find it convenient

There’s a printable planner you can use for making schedules and some are downloadable through the internet.

All the Months!

If you prefer something like an organizer-type of planners for months where all 12 months of the year are compiled together like a booklet which you can take and bring anywhere you go or simply keep in your cabinet you can buy something like this:

It will appear like a 1 year of monthly record of significant events which you can check back if needed.

This kind of planners is like a full year calendar-set, where you just turn pages to see the next month.

Still simple yet functional calendar you can use.

There are lots of planners you can buy at bookstores or other shops and it would always be best to select your preferred type of planner.

It should include those with other features such as the notes section which can also be very helpful to you.

Making Monthly Planners More Effective

Monthly planners can be more effective if you develop discipline within yourself.

Since you can see ahead your important appointments and other events you'll be able to adjust early and you can re-schedule some of the things that you do.

A monthly calendar is effective to use if it serves its purpose well and help you avoid making certain mistakes like missing some of the responsibilities you have to take.

It would be best to prioritize your tasks accordingly so you can schedule them by sequence of dates then you should make sure that you finish each when the right date arrives.

This will help missing out something or getting tasks piled-up on a future date.

There are several strategies you can use for month planners and you just have to discover them.

Utilizing a planner for the month can save you time and trouble when you don’t have to miss those important dates and occasions. It can help you monitor all days of the month and how they flow together making it easier for you to create the kind of lifestyle you prefer.

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Go from Monthly Planners to Effective Time Management Tools